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39 Articles

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


At the Austrian Peptide Symposium 2022 in Vienna, Tom Mindt gave an invited lecture on Metabolically stabilized triazolo-peptidomimetics for tumor targeting. Xabier Guarrochena joint the effort to spread the joy on triazolo-peptidomimetics by giving two poster presentations on related topics.
Xabi won the best poster award – congratulations!
Nice local meeting with interesting contributions from all over the world.

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


We attended the TeraChem 2022 conference, which takes place every 4th year in Bressanone (IT). Great talks and posters and all that exclusively about applications of radioactive metals! Great to meet again many friends and colleagues from Europe, US, and Canada. We also met Pawel Halik and his wife Patricia as well as Prof. Dr. Marianne Patt of Leipzig and had pizza for dinner together.

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


Nedra Jouini is the first PhD student of the working group Mindt – Bioinorganic Radiochemistry, who defended her PhD work and graduated.
Thesis title: Towards radiolabeled peptides for imaging the immune checkpoint target PD-L1.
Great job Nedra! Hearty congratulations and all the best luck and success for the future!

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


We went to Nantes (FR) for the ISRS 2022, one of the most important international congresses in the field of radiopharmaceutical sciences. After a series of on-line congresses during the past 2 years, this was the first in person congress for many applicants. Great scientific talks and posters as well as (again) personal interactions with colleagues and friends.

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


Xabi Guarrochena spent 3 months with our collaboration partners at Democritos, Athens (Greece). Together with Dr. T. Maina, Dr. B. Nock and their PhD student Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, he evaluated some of his triazole-peptidomimetics in vitro and in vivo.
Super collaboration with our Greek friends (thank you!) and obviously a great time for Xabi.

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


The new Doctorate School in Chemistry (DoSChem) of the University of Vienna organizes annual retreats for PhD students including scientific presentations, invited speakers, and social events. The DoSChem has 3 panels. The working group Bioinorganic Radiochemistry belongs to the largest panel C, which represents the research areas Synthesis&Catalysis and Biological&Medicinal Chemistry. The first retreat of panel C took place in Admont, Austria. A very nice event thanks to the DoSChem!

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


Tom Mindt received a fellowship of the Turkish funding agency TUBITAK as a visiting scientist and travelled to Izmir (TR) to give invited lectures at the Ege University (Izmir), Celal Bayar University (Manisa), and Adnan Menderes University (Aydin).
It was a great experience, both scientifically and socially and resulted in potential future collaborations as well as many new Turkish friends!

Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe, AG) Mindt Bioinorganic Radiochemistry


Today, Julia Kronberger starts her PhD on the FWF project Impact of the K-Ras Status on the Activity of Albumin-Targeted Anticancer Drugs (project No. P32886-B).
This is a collaboration with Prof. P. Heffeter (Medical University of Vienna) and Prof. C. Kowol (University of Vienna).
Hearty welcome and a good start Julia!